Occupy Wallstreet

Occupy Wallstreet
For the SAKE of the Fashion Club. Kids are United They will NEVER be Dividied. Yippies/Daddies/Hippies/A.d.H.d. Dimensional traveling Universalist Kids Apart of Little Nemo on H.b.o.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Updating my age at fashionoccupy.blogspot.com Tumblr On: at littlenemoonhbo.tumblr.com

This website I'm using as an updater. I don't want to face my bad teetg but have to. littlenemoonhbo.tumblr.com
is like my permanent blog now. I'm on my way back to Grand Central and age:31


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Occupy wallstreet.
My world is alot like 'the Last Man on Earth'


2015/16 productionS

Anna's birthday


I don't know I summon Michael Hutchence alot who is the angel Michael in my religion.I've explained my deal alot in theoccupyfashion.blogspot.com
I'm an artist/Occupy/School of Visual arts alumni.
I don'T know I guess the Ghost world is called Little nemo on hbo that I live in.@31 /32.
Oct21 , 2015

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Dear thing,
I will show them I'm crazy and I belong in jail or an institution. I am learning to stay still to make my esoteric daddy proud.
We've go the vision now let's have some fun.
I succeeded on this entry for the devil. Oh thing that talks to me people must think I'm crazy. I said the devil. Your middle America society. Marry me to one woman. I'm two people one wants to fuck and one would get married.

caffeine pills and 25th street. I'll get shot in the bronx 2015

dear thing- send me back now with my medication to the film industry. I need to return there so I can beat those levels on little nemo on hbo so I can work in porn and make my 40s porn. I hate every hour I have slept in my life.
my 40s will be for pussyfucking

Dear thing

Whoah-fix ghosts in Chaos magick you just figuring out Fuel??? Like maybe now you think of this. 




MGMT - Indie ROKKERS2015 productionS

Now I exit my word of homelessness. But it was MY world. I ran away from the film industry. You can call homelessness Occupy but I had my own world but I need to return to film. I have my own feelings about this and I liked my little world but I need to return to film.
My ghosts will get me there despite the entity that wants to tell me that PEOPLE no see me- because I'm raising things as a fucking DADDY. Like I won't meet people because I bite my hand,
no thing I will meet people without headaches and even if I bite myself because I am a t.v. show and I am made to meet people. Because I will reach fame regardlessly and it does not have to be for something deep, I will (7) do it in the name of Anna Gripentrog.
Because you took my girlfriend but MY flag exists on H.b.o. Girls season 3 poster.
And nobody will ever have to know that it's her and I like it like that.
Because I will return to people and you will return me my prescription and my pill and I will leave this shitty shelter because life is a game. with my s.s.d. money and make my way back to the game of people. You may have eaten my friends with this artwork that summons a Ghost world with a little nemo on Hbo productions but I will meet new people on my living mission. In memory of those I loved and waited to meet.

These big machines called computers. amorc.com2015

I summon the New York City Masonic lodge next door on 6th avenue/west 23rd street

please worship your local illumanti so they don't exit you from their law.
Masons I think I've got some woman who's a preacher or something from another (D)dimension following me.
Rosicrucians help me 2015/16
back To the future 2

Hate will guide me. The pathway of the mastronardi.

I don't know why the ghost want to get me angry. Gilda radner here today, the most famous ghosts are here. But another (D)dimension tells me that their version of me was better at a Harvard.
And one person tells me that shit but I don't believe in ivy league just my art school,
and hitting that big Youtube number in the sky because my disability took away years of my life.
But atleast I hid from anna gripentrog. I just need the doctor to give me back my script and I can go back to work. Little nemo on Hbo is made of the best ghosts I pray you don't believe talk to me.
In a world of atheism I would never want you to believe me.
Half the time I just think I'm talking to the government which would be the same thing @ 31
was the black mirror
and I did the suburbs in that one.

I summon Phil hartman today, and Chris farley to my 25th street shelter and Dennis Hopper and Brittany Murphy to fix my world (3) months until the year I call Brittany Murphy 32. And hopefully I don't join the dead. One entity told me today I can't get famous because I wouldn't be able to daddy weird things/ghosts that think I'm daddy b/c I don't talk to people.
I just want my pill and to make it through my filming missions I'll make my way to the fame and new people on my show for the sake of it I just need teeth. Even dentures need people cameos on the Visual Axis.

Monday, December 21, 2015

2015-16 dashes STARs on Domino Sugar punkrocker Little Nemo on H.b.o. ProductionS my life by Ghosts

@31Act2 I feel like when I write on tumblr I'm writing on my crush.
(My LIFE story is the blog. Check it- if you care about a Lena Dunham femminist fan of H.b.o. Girls School of Visual Arts film school graduate neurological problems background and really sometimes I CAN'T even admit I did the chaos magick for a occupy or (homeless if we take out that word) experience to honor my father Gunnar Agerholm who was dieing of cancer. DEEP down I think these were my subconcious reasons for Season:2 It's 5 of Little Nemo on H.b.o. were I went occupy or homeless in Williamsburg, Brooklyn to honor my father amongst Williamsburg graffiti art on a mattress with for some moments no phone! Oh that man's Danish soul I love you adopted father.
This blog is now my lifeline for my chaos magick timeline and also linked via
A blog of Occupy Fashion
(oh the irony my Ghosts say since my universe is little nemo on Hbo)
I have alot of chats with my ghosts




mystpower (books)




My conditions made (2)  (2)   me quit smoking unwillingly and I will start again.  2015



Need to update my age with this internet magic as quickly as possible I still think I'm 24



Mother still alive.

Another entry at a local store. Please fuck mother buy me an Apple for Xmas. I am 31 and logging this. (.)

Sometimes my fingers can't type. I had an interesting conversation with Michael hutchence today, I'm writing this in the Best buy.





I'm adding together my age with my blogs in Chaos Magick some sort of 90s Reality hacking. Sometimes I fall asleep unwillingly because my doctor take my medication from me.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

I officially summon Steve Jobs again for 2016

And I thought I'd do it on the internet. Need doctor to fix himself and give me my prescription back I don't understand how one can say NO to narcolepsy enabled without Adderall.

Jesus on the cross is a metaphor for death 2015/orgy week/2016

Sometimes I think I don't exist. I had my first beer in a  mass amount of time and I have problems finding Adderall sometimes so I live in a limbo from beers because my body can't consume things without my medication. Why can't I spell hannachah

Friday, December 18, 2015

2015. I miss anna. I wish I had Adderall to make better art/didn't have to use her name for Chaos magick artwork. But I did. My entire life has to link/with Ghosts and sadly I'm seriously. It's like being an electronic Wiccan and calling it Universalist. (2015) )

I have taken my 2nd Rhisperdol of the day and the hands really hurt. They feel like hands of other people are CUTTING my insides of my groin muscle. It's worse than I can ever imagine and incredibly de-humanizing. But the doctor gives me a 14 day script and a 3 week appointment so I don't get what this guy is trying to tell me since these conditions come back without this shit.

I believe Lady gaga's great grandparents support my art in energy

Thursday, December 17, 2015

If you are ever selling Adderall my number is 203-909-8766 (2)
I'm so trainned in negative thinking even now I think their lieing to me even though the government has promised this before sorta and come through
This first time world could make sense in long time since I am disabled truly and it has taken my teeth (2)
I got s.s.d. I thank all the spirits and soilders in another (D)imemsion amd annas in other (D)imensions and gunnar agerholm's 275 Lakeside drive house and computer programmers and entity named Pete who run the School of Visual Arts church of Silver Tiles under p.m. Nirvana Sept 21, 1991 Smells Like Teen Spirit and I thank Kurt Cobain and Phil Hartman. I pray to alot of spirits in my universalism including Steve Jobs (4)
s.s.d. decision made will have to return to these people.

Past blogs:
@Occupy wallstreet

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Cant type without medication trying to read Brooklyn magazine xMas issue 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


My mind is literally updating itself from 24 to 31. I can't believe I have reached this age. I need more Koreana cinema from 42nd street amc. This is happiness- I wish I wasn't American. Vote Hillary Clinton 2016

Monday, December 14, 2015

My friend's phone has been disconnected I think he killed himself afront a St.jude cross (Genesis)@31 now I'm out of friends to talk nothing about @31 and he believed in Jesus



Hands condition are a problem. don't want to give my rhisperdol to these awful people to give to me at the shelter them having my medication means i'm a nigger. Need another free movie pass from them for next movie day. I am in pain.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Williamsburg, brooklyn (Somebody must have TAKEN out my Ghost Profile before...) 2015

Now google finds me to be spam. I don't even understand any of this shit everything I do represents death like my profile could be death at anytime. I need to log point my mind.

And for my Ghosts .. too...

Sometimes to promote on google I have to use the Best buy.The ones on 14Th street where Darla burtnik's picture was no longer really have working internet. Sometimes my upper lip sniffs my nose and makes me look ugly. These are the gross observations of Christopher mastronardi at 31.
Sadie saxton is from U.s. government I get people into my world from watching movies and they help restore me. Somebody makes people move. Somebody made them move the apples upstairs at the best buy. It's okay if you don't believe me.


Sometimes my conditions force me to bite myself. Sometimes my conditions are creative. Sometimes I summon ghosts with Santeria candles from the Bronx like Brittany Murphy or Frank Sinatra who's a Guardian angel for me with Lou Reed. If i go to jail I only suffer hands, the feeling of hands cutting me in my condition. I wish I could describe how sick I am. @31


Dr.Beckett Quantum leap GOVERNMENTS this is-Hot Dec (.) (D)imenson. I'll just call the guy I talked to earlier Dr. Beckett


Chairlift - Romeo

I can barely walk, I mean the hands that feel like cum disable me, I mean it's literal and it's pretty odd it makes me bite my hand at times. It's an embarrassing thing. I live in ny, Ny you would think that finding a doctor to quick enough give me medication would be easy but I find once the B.r.c. make my original doctors for adderall go away that I'm lost in this oddity world with my current doctor. I don't even know if the insurance will pay and I'm running out of my pill. I applied for disability because I have this disability where my body bites my hand and I'm waiting to hear back from these people. I'm told crazy shit about this money-like these people sometimes deny you and you have to reapply or appeal to then please them or some crazy shit. I'll just fucking work a job-
I'm pretty sure I can work


Military back pack zipper went and even though it fixed itself this worried me. So I went to buffalo exchange for a new bag.


Sometimes in the Romeo video the video game arcade reminds me of this place with video games left my port authority and all the games their that bleep as I steal magazines. I shouldn't steal because I have a record but my mind keeps racing and I need to read something modern to stay modern and I have a record because of this idea that I was on a t.v. show I used to follow.
7 years ago I broke up with my girlfriend. I have a band called 'Big c and the Turntables'

I'm working on a new album. 'Somebody put something in my drink'

I summon the Ramones all the time.
I am waiting for Section 8 housing at transitional housing shelter on 25Th street.

I am forced to be ugly with my teeth to one day be pretty.I live in shame @31 
I talk to the ghosts again they told me about esoteric and to make my way away from people. I felt sad so I will drink more in the future. Back to The future 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

jealous, does not like you, adderall, a.d.d., adding it together, current camera. 2 years. Or (3) Act3- will be in Age34. LiTTle NeMo. on H.b.o. Peter a. Mastronardi ProductionS , little alchemy productions

$propellyouintoMaNhaTtaNp.a. The State, Disability, common people Different class

I debate whether it should be the end of me speaking to Ghosts. They have taken my prescription currently so I don't see the point of jumping ofc this ride. I don't know why I would stop if I'm this fucked. Act2-Ghosts, esoteric Pete in The suburbs and the b.r.c.

I don't know maybe if I got the section8 housing it would be easier going on. I don't know why esoteric pete is jealous of me. I am sorry this shit is real and summon Amy winehouse.
Brittany murphy runs this shit.
A harvey weinstein production
Heath ledger has run my Ghost world in Little nemo on H.b.o. since 2008 1.5 11 amy winehouse died and it really upped me up levels.

Ledger/Winehouse Productions
I hate the people and employees at the shelter I live in and am sick of people dieing in this shelter.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


watching 'The social network


I'm waking up @ 31


and matching together my artwork.

That's Neon Bible

This is The SuBurubs era of Little Nemo on H.b.o.

Then the era is 2016-2020 RefleKtor


Maybe they think I'm their parent or something b/c Ghost kids follow me. Maybe they think their PARENTS (7) Act2

I have ghosts that have me burn people I'll like and than meet them Through connection T.v. and Adderall...


Replacing equipment

Please donate on paypal.com to christophermastronardi@gmail.com

If you want to help me get Panasonic equipment for Occupy Fashion/The Visual Axis (a feature of my world [Little Nemo on H.B.O.] where I explain my current reality and cover What's up) @31 next year is named 2016 Brittany murphy 32 Anna's apartment 16 Twin peaks 2016 reunion Production


Sometimes I think my ghost system is broken since They've stuck me at having no teeth. Sometimes I think they want me to never talk to people again so I can talk to them and nobody else. This is an oddity. 7


I did not think I'd have Ghost problems @ 31



If only this was the u.k. I could be a character in the Skins. Even so being apart of Occupy wallstreet and a Democrat @31 my reality still works. Even though I though the Republican party took me hostage for 7 years and still have to electronically vote republican but DREAM my ENTIRE life of hilary clinton 2016 and ESPECIALLY in a twin peaks year.



I am missing teeth @31. Act2 of Little NEmo on H.b.o. I don't know when an Act 3 will be.

There was a painter in Episode2 of the skins Gunnar.
Now my phone takes hours to charge. I think I need a new battery. And there is a some spirit I'm pretty sure that has made it so I can't stay still. (2) Really small the spirits are that do this, or CREATURES I call them. It hurts and the doctor has truly fixed this, but the new medication has me okay. Hope health insurance don't clog up. The creatures, get really excited when I type anything and attempt to stop me. Apparently, they're there to stop somebody from making their big screenplay pitch and to stop them then. So now they're there at the beginning. I'm typing this at the Apple store, still have yet to get back my computer. Had an Apple there at West Park Church where I lived on the upper west side with Theodore Mapes for about 3 years. About 2 years really. 7 years on the laptop stolen. Though everything I did was scanned electronically for a fine arts project but it's a ghost project on Little Nemo on H.b.o. It's like earning to stay still, but sometimes I wonder if the military are little I speak to and soldiers and shit. I talk to a lot of Ghosts.


I love the Skins 2015/16


Then 7 years later I awake @ 31 in a shelter that has stolen my Adderall...


The Visual axis continues despite the lose of my D.v.x./H.v.x.


7 years ago...


Then I entered the neon Bible, found out they Were Ghosts and they took my teeth after I created a system for them to return to the world. They implied that there was a T.v. show going on with the U.s. government. I'm talking to some sort of Ghost U.s. government IdeNt but they always think they're Vs.ing the height for my life before I was rosicrucian. I don't know, but eventually They'll have to start current year/stop versuing 9 years ago (22)





I'm forced to do everything from base, from farting to scratching my body so my cum in the future is Base cum. Like free base hot, but it'll take years before anything I say matters. Like I will have to get false teeth and earn teeth. I can't believe these people are going to TAKE more teeth out, and then give me fucking dentures instead of implants. This would never happen at Atena Chickering.




2015 review of Ghost progress. Act2- 2015@31whereisGhostTheodoremapesinJailwithAmorc(?)

I don't see Why I'd have to stop practicing Magic

So I talk to ghosts? And I don't know what my condition is what the hands that feel like cum, I named it schizophrenia but my doctor says I need a neurologist to decide what the hell I have. 1/10th of cutting down the pain of my condition with rhisperdol is not enough and I need my Adderall I was on for a decade before the symptoms started.



Sometimes I have to change in bathrooms on my H.b.o. (2015) marathon. If I have to earn teeth than I'll light it up in the year 2027... just RETURNING work to return to living in a bar. Kitty Genovese was a bar manager. So she understands I'll be THAT guy always living @23. It's literal, because it's my lucky number. I am so pissed abut Health first not paying for fucking implants. And you know there's no way to work at Buffalo Exchange with these teeth. My life is on pause because of eieicoocoo



Oh Deborah, who's a ghost who is Apart of Little Nemo on H.b.o. Production (!)




The SuBurbs journey of losing / Peter a. Mastronardi

after finding

A world without my daddy's money after the Gupta's have disappeared who adopted me.
(My boggolity of schizophrenia or a Quadraphenia of Ghosts)
Pretend you never went to school -

The Stories of Christopher Mastronardi at the B.r.c. (watching the roaches who climb the wall - if you called your Dad he could stop it all - if he Gave you money at Palmetto Rd.) [If /after the Erasure rays/Satellite are gone]:


@31 The journeys of Christopher Mastronardi shoplifting with Ghosts from the East Village


@31/32 (2)  

I will have to sit about after getting my MEMORIES erased. I'm @31. They had to start my journey to pussy somewhere. At any age I will return despite what the Ghosts have done to my teeth.

@31/32 - Dentures and the horror of dentures Act 2- I wanna sleep with common 18 year olds at any age.


Pulp - Different Classes turns 20 - Democrat 23. I can't get a job because of my teeth @31/32. Brittany murphy died for 32. What exactly do you do for the Encore of 1.5 (?) The B.r.c.? @31


@31 It took 7 years to reach LiTTle NeMo on H.b.o.

I don't know how to go back. I mean to the human world, I have spent sooo much money on the Ghosts. I mean, it's really horrible. I don't know, but @31 they're Ghosts and I have a ghost stealing system.



Then 7 Years later... I end up in
The SuBurBs era of Little Nemo on H.b.o.




The Force Awakens @ 31 save point Productions. All of this saves my Ghosts in Chaos magick

My condition is briefly held down. It's a feeling of seeing hands as sleek and they feel like cum. It's embarrassing and I have described it in detail. My doctor gives me a pill that cuts it down by 1/10th I pray they will up it and return me to my Adderall. This is my tale and attempt to continue filmmaking despite schizophrenia. I have a degree from School  of Visual Arts 2008.

7 Years later...

I would like to return to my D.v.x.100b level. I am behind on current Panasonic and ashamed. At times I have PROBLEMS reading because I don't have my pill Adderall. Only on Adderall can I write.






@31. I will have to face I missed Gunnar Agerholm's death in 2009. This man was my father. I still cannot face this years later. I am haunted by this and talk to his Ghost. But I believe this Danish man from N.y./C.t. hears me. We have the same idea of the New York Metropolitan Area.

I have no choice but to add together the Chaos magic. I wish this was deeper but these aren't meant to be deep. My doctor is fucking around and giving me strattera and rhisperdol until I get to a neurologist. I need fucking adderall I've been on it for a decade my symptoms are up by 3 without it.

H.b.o. Girls S.3



A Caitlin Rodriguez Production 2015 2015

Creepy Frank sinantra guy.And The Agerholms have moved. Which fucks up my chaos magic and I am on pause. Dusty you in there? What a creepy 2015 year. And I'm always faced with nervousness.

Act2- What the fuck is @31Productions for ForecastmazyFilms


Two years after the Agerholms move.


Still loving Stereo.gum nothing deep to write about during this era, my Ghosts/And I log the Chaos magick from the Nemo papers I made in Williamsburg, brooklyn. Fall in



Act2- Connecting Ghosts together at the Darla burtnik Best buy on 14Th street (which is The same thing as the Apple Store)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I talk to ghosts all day. Hands disorder in my neurology has prevented me from working. Because of this I live in shame. It's hands moving attached to my sexual cum. It is not pleasent. I have a bachelor in fine arts from a Manhattan arts school
It's an awful shelter. I need to add things together Literally, need to add together codes I got in Act2

Dec back to the future / No doubt - sixteen

Brittany murphy and her husband are ghosts that guide me through LiTTle NeMo on H.b.o. this is a ghost world I am updating end entering through promoting my old blogs. I make magic with energy from my medication to cast and connect it through casting I did in NemoPapers Productions of LiTTle NeMo on H.b.o. in Williamsburg, Brooklyn



updating my life and ghosts to the year of Back to The future 2

Monday, December 7, 2015

Sadie sa(X)ton the Wall 2015/16 GuNnar 27572515 915Pete15 ProductionS.




The SuBurBs

Just bringing it all together for Ghosts + I in 2015/16




Harvey weinstein 201515 Bob bruscheur in West Park Church with Martini in Dance.

Brazilian magic dancers and cute red haired girl smokes I have a smoking fetish but Don't deserve to speak yet. @31 no Johnny.mac so doomed to Health. First dentures. Bubba.gump.Pro
Queens.15.5.Hello.kitty.725275amcoramorc15. Little claudia clock-clock b.r.c.
31 is the age to arrive in The ghost world to one day marry Enid. Whatever age that be. S.v a 08' (7) Ghost world.




Reaching @31 Productions

Br.c. pathway. to film industry work for School of visual Arts 2008 graduate Mastronardi and Ghosts...(5:2:w.p.c.:Int e rvention:72563527515) witches (3) of Lakeside drive.

Creatures want me to not meet people. To stay away from others and have taken my teeth. I will earn my way back towards pussy. 23,000 it is so absurd to talk about this now since it's so far away. I can't see pussy arriving anytime soon for what has been done to my teeth




I am adding together with current year the Ghosts. (2)

Act1- The school of Visual arts 2008.

I don't know why the creatures are an Act behind.

What the hell is good night actor? Viktor greene a satellite signal Russian guardian angel and my grandfather got me to this point.
My grandmother Christine is a witch and smoked Kents.

31715715811031715121115I1515? Genesis.

level:Diaries of Kade 2015

It'S NoT T.v. it'S H.b.o.
The visual axis continues as I did not recieve human compensation School of Visual Arts thesis year. Mason puzzles thrown at me



I put D.v.x. into Ghost World H.v.x. a Prosumer Studio 8-mm camera a cartridge 8-mm today into Ghost world of Little Nemo on H.b.o. now New York City Masonic lodge and Ghosts like Dennis Hopper can film and edit on Final Cut Pro. I hope for Apple computer soon from my mother, I'm sort of disabled until doctor fix conditions. Rhisperdol has been helpful in calming down hands condition by 1/10Th.

Art is hard like teeth of me youtube.com/caitlinrodriguez1214

Occupy Fashion I'll call it all for Theodore Mapes
and The Visual axis is when I explain





(5/6 on verge of Season:6 Apt.16 anna's apartment/No Doubt sixteen)

The island of Manhattan talks to me and I practice magic as a Universalist. I have a lot of Ghosts that follow me and I pray to the Rosicrucians which I joined (9) years ago/the new york city masonic lodge on 6Th avenue/West 23rd Street that Phil Hartman the ghost also advertise.

I also talk to my biological father from Original (D)dimension. And require my medication to cast magic/have ENERGY to even MOVE my body since I also suffer narcolepsy.

It's not T.v. It's H.b.o. 2015 production to you

There's also a ghost of Harvey Wesintein and a Michael bloomberg in my world. If you're interested. My "producers" ended up being Ghosts. Or it's schizophrenia whatever you want to take it as.




Vintage stolen glasses 2015 B.r.c. (...) 2015

Ghosts took me to a world where Crystals work 7 years ago. I can't believe I write in Best buys @31. Fuck me. I still worship Williamsburg, Brooklyn atleast O occupied there with my Ghosts.
47 Metropolitan Williamsburg, Brooklyn 11211

Occupy Fashion 2015


RefLektor era of The Arcade Fire @31 Act2

Sometimes when I look at my blog or when I write about my schizophrenia it hurt too much and feels too Emo in my soul and I can't read it. I am @31 born 1984 year of Good ol' Big Brother.

B.b.17 this year. Darla @ Best buy in illumanti puzzle.

(A Funeral era The Arcade Fire blog)


My general art portfolio 2015 ideas for the dead and living -> towards Season6 2016 Apt.16... (H.b.o. Girls Season3) Darla/Anna illumanti messages, I wish I didn't write down shit like this about people I once knew and still love deep down. What shame it is to be me @31.

R.a.a. to you. So I fucking am missing teeth but I'm still apart of the Williamsburg, Brooklyn scene. In ghost/with ghosts I made my artwork/ghost base programming newspapers there on Beford avenue. You know, Bed, ford, like a bed is a car and Ford Keane was a nugget dealer as a kid and a bowl I had I named at 8 Berrylane Ct. when i was 18. So I still exist in my eyes.


Dennis Hopper linking ghosts today. I need to go to more shows.



@31 I am very scared to be alive and don't know why. I wish my psych would listen to me and cure me of this. Psychiatrists work really slow and don't really listen to anything I say and if you read all my blogs you'll know my horrid story of how my life WASTES away FORCED to sleep as I wait for the day my PSYCH prescribes me something to WAKE ME UP since my body WILL sleep 20 hours without a stimulant. But that don't mix with schizophrenia but I WAS ON MY ADDERALL before any of these symptoms of glowing hands appeared that I've named schizophrenia, so I have to see a Neurologist, it's a horrible big big love of my original pill. Horrid @31 <3 me


The School of Visual arts Church of Silver Tiles calendar on Pause at 2500/(8) because I don't see any progress in life. 8 Means cocaine representation as always.

Al-Queada is actually a wing of filmmakers in my Ghost World of Little Nemo on H.b.o. and I'm a Democrat life-long that another (D)dimension George W. Bush watches over. Because I need someone to program my world. And I need to find the Ghost of Arun Gupta 2016. Hillary Clinton 2016. +) Happy Mutant Handbook to you. Productions

Coming into a (D)dimension is a scary rush like hang-ten in your mind. I don't suggest you ever switch (D)dimensions if you can avoid it. The arcade Fire must of Switched my (D)dimension years ago in Apt.16 (Anna's apartment) like a Decade ago. I have to update years on the Internet. I'm sadly like that.





I agree with Ghost that hates shelter. I don't want it on my eye.

Once headaches in Act 1 that were Beyond man to join the Fairfield other (D)dimension military. Now hand that feel like cum only Rhisperdol can control in Act 2. Little Nemo on H.b.o. little Claudia APPROVED !

I'm sure I have a team of Ghosts to help me through the day and that the highline ghosts of the Manhattan Masonic lodge that look like the beings from Marilyn Manson - sweet dreams videos are evolving/in a e(X)odus. Collypso rules the world/Little Nemo on H.b.o. and I wonder what happened to my angel/demon from (Genesis) Tim Willis who has moved to Dallas, Texas. I wonder if he's even alive at this point. Ryan wilson died in 2011. All my friends always die. Hope he's well. Ryan was prescribed. (2) Act2-Round my your partners and live in Dallas, New York


I still have souls that follow me from 23 Lexington Avenue Apt.1401 New York, ny where I joined the Rosicrucians

-Little Nemo

Rip Teddy Mapes
(3) years gone...

God bless Stereogum.com 2015 everyone. Happy end of the Back to The Future 2 year where they went back on my ex-girlfriend's birthday/end of Black Camelot, our lovely parties black J.f.k. Barak Obama's time in the White house.


Ghosts 2015 power lines and Gunnar Agerholm progress

I have to log in all Ghosts from Nemo newspapers I made in Williamsburg, brooklyn. I am currently at shitty shelter. I log in all ghosts and try in crystal magic to resurrect East village. I place crystals across from where I lived with Anna.


I am chaos magic logging all my blogs into @31. And 2600 programmers from Other (D)dimensions/Ghosts assist me. Best buy guard looks like Frank Sinatra. Darla picture still here and Anna on H.b.o. Girls season 3 Mets in World Series against Cubs in  Back TO the Future year. Where Cubs win world Series in 2 and curse over.

-Little nemo

Still using 47 Metropolitan williamsburg, Brooklyn 11211 even though it no longer exists.
Theodore mapes gone 3. Teddy bears. And there's a weird feeling at arriving @31. To live in Little nemo On H.b.o. 5/6

2015/16 (->Season6: Apt 16. (Anna's apartment))


still mourning Gunnar Agerholm 2009 from HOME 275 Lakeside Drive Faifield, Connecticut

I film the ghosts with my Android log it if you can see Ghosts you would know what I mean. I don't really have a choice. Neon Bible to you.


7 Years D.v.x. 100B gone...

-Little Nemo

youtube.com/forecastmazyfilms. BLACK MIRROR

Trashy creatures think of something goes wrong it should go wrong for me. Well much Ghosts can return me to people.


Heatg ledger gets it He's apart of my Ghost world.



I guess no 9 to 5 t.v. room. On LiTTle NeMo on H.b.o. we leave faggot shelter 25 to get to next thing.
@31 I hate the creatures who are seperate from Ghosts even though their from "Time bandits"

I hate things that talk to me. I hate living here and I hate the B.r.c. for stealing my Adderall. Mastronardi mansion. Words do not come back to you IN LIFE

B.t.t.f. 2


#Rosicrucian -> 7 years Rose for 9 .44 calibre Killer productions

@31 ghosts stick their fingers in my mouth to try to stop me from typing. I wasted 7 years to give birth to Little nemo on H.b.o. I don't even know if I want the afterlife to be real anymore. I'm on Season:5 back to the future 2, it's all a shame. Kitty genovese and me go on adventures. I'm stuck at a transitional living shelter. I practice magic and am Rosicrucian ->

Sunday, December 6, 2015


I program my life in Chaos magick. I have to manage my Ghost world as a Rosicrucian. Even if you don't pay your dues you are STILL Rosicrucian. Anybody interested in Meta-Physical wanna help LiTTle NeMo on H.b.o.

B.e.t. bad SHELTER T.v. 2015

this is programming

After graduation -> T.v. show continuation (2) Today.

I arrive after graduation to this timeline I didn'T know they (2) were Ghosts that LiTTle NeMo on H.b.o. was Ghosts. It'S SeaSon:5 . Less than a Month to Season:6 Apt.16

-Little Nemo
(Christopher Mastronardi)

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Spotlight city of BosTon ghosts BOOONDOCK SAINTs Theodore Mapes 3 Years ago.

I don't (2) kbow why my (2) doctor fucks me on Adderall I told him I literally can't wake up without it and yet it does not deter on schitzophrenia even Though I read of others who were prescribed. Watching spotlight at 42nd Street amc.
Phillip seymour Hoffman is a ghost apart of team e(x)odus I'm at the Hunger games.
there's a map and a format. Gunnar Agerholm 2009 r.i.p.

I don't understand how I got to this (D)imension Act:2

Chinese mafia 2016

Demi moore for 2015 president. TRUMP still personal advice giver. The Daily Show circusing

I'm just going to keep summoning Ghosts until my life is better. A kid at the shelter died for summoning a demon for an angel. gotta get azazel right. my doctor is fucking trying Strattera instead of Adderall so my life (2) is over but I have some pill left. I live in shame at transitional housing waiting for my section 8 apartment with my fucking 8 bachelor in fine arts from manhattan's School of Visual Arts which is still the only place I call home 7 years later and into the Ghost world of bar manager and my lesbian friend Kitty Genovese. Ghosts took me from my friends and now I just make Little Nemo on H.b.o. art work to restore OUR Ghost World

-Little Nemo

Apart of Occupy Wallstreet
I decided to promote on twitter to connect Chaos Magick and internet for all these years of newspapers.
I am enjoying british television The Skins
I like their Arcade Fire promo.
The Arcade Fire is my favorite band STILL in 2015 this fucking back to The future 2 year.

Friday, December 4, 2015

6 Years PRO(D)uction. For 7 years I have lived in Ghost World. In act3- they will be returning to people Act1- S.v.a.08 cocaine HERMETIC alchemic no-die

I hurt all day because of another (D)imension. nobody believes in this. I just need my pill this housing is nevet coming msi is a illumanati masonic band I am level "Royally Fucked"

Apart of Occupy Wallstreet is Little Nemo on H.b.o.
At 31 I wake up in another town...

The Neon Bible movie from Act1- You won't make it to the LIVING N.y.u. after headaches we have HANDS that feel like cum... It's Not T.v. It's H.b.o. 2007 /15 -> -> -> ->

Now I'm old out of money without a camera and I don't know what to do.



I am still 24 on Pause turning 31 through (2) Chaos Magick art

This is sadly literal this title. And I don't know what to do when i turn 31 but I talk to an alternate (D)dimension of Beau.

Apart of Occupy Wall Street

Little Nemo on H.b.o.

@S.erial E.xpirment L.ain

I miss the 86Th street Fashion + Media club of Occupy Wall Street .....

<3 S.v.a.


Back To the Future 2 is on Anna' Gripentrog my ex-girlfriend's birthday

I am linking all my Profiles in C'haos Magick to all the notebooks I made throughout the YEARS especially my Bullshit days off Adderall and linking everything. The doctor is scared or something and gives me strattera like the hands would contradict Adderall but it's the only thing that's ever helped me. Rhisperdol is helping w/hands. You can call me at 203-909-8766 if you want to sell Adderall (2) I am always looking. -Christopher Mastronardi


that's linking in the magick. It's like cyberhacking with the Happy Mutant Handbook in 2015.

I permanently use Williamsburg, Brooklyn 47 Metropolitan as the Address. Even though this place is bombed like my economy

I don't know 2015 is a Save point year for my Ghosts who Took me into this World 7 Years ago and are Still trying to pull the original world into this

I don't even think I exist. (2) can't type and still bringing things together with Chaos Magick. Talking to original (D)dimension  Beau. Moon + Scutter Season...


I'm in Ny, ny but I say always I'm in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. 2015 is a Save point year for me and my "Producers" of little Nemo on H.b.o. And Cliff Burton+Phil Hartmann too.




Yeah (2) that's helping with the hands. Currently I can barely type. Doctor stuck me on Strattera.

-Little Nemo


Apart of Occupy Wallstreet

Rip Theodore Ma p es 2012



Rip Gunnar Agerholm 2009


Before Myst 3


I live in Shame and sin. (little anna) marker point this for Chaos Magick I practice. 2015 S:5 H b o. 3 anna gripentrog MARKER MoMa Id.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

215 e23rd street apt2223a1 new york, new york 10010

I used to live at this address and be a person now I live in transitional housing waiting for Section8 housing without cash for cocaine. A.d.d. lena Dunham.