Occupy Wallstreet

Occupy Wallstreet
For the SAKE of the Fashion Club. Kids are United They will NEVER be Dividied. Yippies/Daddies/Hippies/A.d.H.d. Dimensional traveling Universalist Kids Apart of Little Nemo on H.b.o.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fun - We Are Young Oct 21, 2015 The day we go BACK, BACK to the Future (2)

It's not T.v. It's H.b.o. (2) to you. And what do you know, H.b.o. 2 (2) is the CHANNEL I saw A Clockwork Orange on. And that's the reason I went to film school, because I thought that movie was made in 1997 (2) (2) but alas, it was from the 1970s. And still very well MAY BE MY FAVORITE FILM. I can't imagine ANOTHER film at this point BEING my favorite. Oddly 'Creative Nonfiction' did not become that. 

Fun - We are Young, I live in this trauma of (1) at @31 (2) (2) I type from the Apple Store, I'm that guy with the MILITARY BACKPACK in the Apple Store. Soon I will have no pill to keep me still, the WORST of Nurse Tatcher for 2015 and a BIG BOO-LIKE A LIFE CANCELING one for the-B.r.c. 

I will never make it back to working for Lena Dunham level in life. S.s.d. (2) (2) will (2) (2) come through, that's the kind of thing that doesn't happen (2) in the world of Little Nemo on H.b.o. 
Atleast (2) I have (2) my pill today, to ATTEMPT IN DESPERATION to communicate to me. 
I pray somebody has my pill so I can live.
I swear to God, I'm from ANOTHER DiMENSION (because I never had SUCH problem FINDING something (2) so simple and stupid as my A.d.d. focus medication.) 


I remember this DREAM from (1) where I sleep AFRONT Domino Sugar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and Michael Bloomberg and Chris Wielk appear. 

(2) But this never came to be and I searched for Caitlin Rodriguez all night that night, but never found her. And a voice told me, they CONTINUE onto the next (D)dimension in Silver Tiles, a 'FUNCTION' of Little Nemo on H.b.o. which I also wrote a novel about 
where my friends are like these ASTRAL ROSICRUCIAN SUPERHEROS with a LOU REED WILLIAMSBURG, BROOKLYN EAST-VILLAGE magic thing going on, but on H.b.o. 
Like the kind-of-thing (2) - you'd (2) (2) think Michael Bloomberg would have invented. And with Harvey Weinstein on H.b.o. and you know Howard Stern (2) would be a producer in this world. 

(1) Was a TRAUMA to TRUST and PUT ALL my money in (2). And in the end they turned out the be Ghosts @31/voices of schizophrenia (THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE IN MY WORLD, BOTH CAN BE FIXED BY THE DROP DEAD FRED PILL). But my schizophrenia or whatever (2) (2) you want to call it isn't really all that dangerous, just STUPID to me BECAUSE (I) spent MONEY on it. Really it's only dangerous to me, since I can't remember THE NEXT thing I want to do, and in Screenwriting that PART of my mind is blocked, and I forget (2) the next thing/last thing I did. 
And I have some sort of condition/that SMOKING cigarettes now make me INCREDIBLY TIRED and steal some portion of my intellect. My pill fixes this so I can MANAGE/and then find my way to my DOCTOR to cure. Otherwise I am just crippled without my pill. (2) 
I shake sometimes and feel hands as cum inside myself. I don't literally cum, i feel them as cum. I am incredibly embarrassed and (2) did not mention this for years. But once I told my ex-girlfriend, there was no point in hiding this ANYMORE. And it looks like, Student Loan people/DOCTORS in this dimension don't get along or care, because I will still have to work a job no matter what. 

It's been a good run at the Apple Store, I used to believe I'm hiding from PEOPLE living like this and never QUESTION Little Nemo on H.b.o. (2) but you know -soemtimes-people-don't-act-rational-they-just-think-they're-on-T.v. 

Soon I'll be down to (2) just writing on the Android and I hope I'm @31. I know it's not YOUR fault I became Little Nemo, but you know I had to keep making art even if I can't think and my INTELLECT is blocked by the DISABILITY. (Which it is). And I tried working for Natalie Portman (2) (2) before and I get this WAVE of ANXIETY when I talk to people, I mean atleast on Adderall I can handle, I've been (2) on (2) NasDeq: NEMO (BASQUIET/KEITH HARRING SAVEPOINT) (MIKE BLOOMBERG 2015 SAVE) (OCT ANNA'S BIRTHDAY) (REGINA 2015 (2)) -and you know, I know (2) won't feel okay UNTIL the STORY is on the INTERNET. 

I cal the Manhattan Masons for HELP (2) EVERYDAY and I thank STEVE JOBS for this Apple ERA to write this. I know I'm pathetic and I know I FEEL SHAME everyday that I live. (2) It wasn't always like this, I had my own equipment (7) years ago before I put all my faith in "H.b.o." (2) in 2008. And here I am in 2015 today. Some days the seizure MAKES me say I will make porno like it pushes me to prime thoughts (porno meaning SEX) -but like this EVEN matters for HOW far away I am from people. 

And now I only have to Apple Store (2). 

And this 'Fun' song keeps REPRESENTING it. Like that (2) I DID GRADUATE, I can work in FILM damnit if somebody JUST fixes me. But now I promote my blog, and I put it up on Twitter. Maybe somebody will donate to my paypal 
(christophermastronardi@gmail.com) <-is the E-MAIL ADDRESS if you WANNA donate on paypal.com 

I desperately need your help. (2) Hell I named my own Ghost church with a title of P.m. Nirvana, that's how SERIOUS my world is and It;s (oct 21,.2015 (2)) run by my FATHER from my 'ORIGINAL DIMENSION' but I could never PROOVE this, but it's all true. Or i'm just a schizophrenic, but don't you believe in the mental and ghosts and Indigo Children slipping through THOUGHTS? You know Lou Reed ran into a fire in my world of Little Nemo on H.b.o. and made it.

(2) He always wanted to do that. And Steve Jobs programmed it. 

(2) 2015 Anna's Birthday <- All of that is (2) <- Chaos Magick PROGRAMMING to UPDATE the YEAR for me. It's TEMPLE OV PSYCHIC YOUTH and Little Nemo on H.b.o. (2) SPECIAL which honors the GHOSTS that help me/hacker GHOSTS/THOSE FROM ANOTHER (DIMENSION) on Little Nemo on H.b.o. Manhattan Masons/Rosicrucians/Bill Gates from my Dimension (2) 'Who I always say 'continue to' and 'Microsoft' (2) N.b.c. (2) who helps me PROGRAM and helped in the caitlinrodriguezhusband.blogspot.com blog series (view the profile for the other BLOGS ) (2) in me BEATING Harvey Weinstein (2) . 

"Awkward" (2) Apple Store (logging) (5) (Before H.b.o. Girls (2) Season:5 During "Awkward Season:5 - Twenty - Fifteen - Lightning Symbol of 47 - and the Radiant Child - Jean Baptise Basquiet 2015 - hail S.v.a. ALUMNI": 


These Ghosts (2) graduated with me. But I could never PROOVE IT, and I don't even have the CAMERA EQUIPMENT 
to log the ghosts. But hopefully (2) you'll donate, see it fit to help me to log my Ghosts/Schitzophrenia/make Artwork. I mean fuck, Billy Walsh was Billy Walsh and my ploy (2) to you is I Occupy WallStreet and am a Universalist. 


I guess I'm here, I brought my soul closer towards @31. 

I just fear now I will get my Google+ (2) profile ERASED, but they all (2) should't be LINKED and it SHOULD be (2) something like/I can keep going/and reach my way BACK (2) 2015 (2) towards (Anna's birthday) the film industry. This is like being a COMMODORE 64 Apple. 

I'm going to leave the Apple store before they rip me away from it.
(2) It's NOT FAIR to (2) have a TIME LIMIT when there's so much I WANT TO SAY before my PILL is STOLEN from me. 

Thanks for enjoying my story of this weird 1.5 world (2) (In-between the Two acts of Little Nemo on H.b.o. in 2015 I feel). 


I wanna fuck it up (2) 

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