Occupy Wallstreet

Occupy Wallstreet
For the SAKE of the Fashion Club. Kids are United They will NEVER be Dividied. Yippies/Daddies/Hippies/A.d.H.d. Dimensional traveling Universalist Kids Apart of Little Nemo on H.b.o.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Please donate your old camera equipment to me. To support Occupy Wallstreet

Updating Chaos Magic in Nigger shelter 2015. (I voted Obaama sorta)

I hate each and every person at this shelter please God or rather .Government take them. Try praying to the Government that's real. I make chaos magick webs in my art and contact the dead as apart of my universalist rituals.I was tricked into a criminal record for stealing food before Occupy WaLl Street West Park Church taught me about Medicaide

Updating YouTube Chaos Magick.

I have died. I live in shame with awful niggers. I wish for death sometimes but i already misses the bullet at the shelter this week and some other kid died literally. I think the bedbugs kill you. Oh awful shame

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Genesis , Dallas, Texas 1997: Dc*Vertigo reader, Student Loan SUCCESS, e(X)odus TEAM: Living and Dead Angel/Demons The Warriors 2015: 

2016-2020 ReaflekTOR 

The Arcade Fire 

(X) hit accomPLISHED 

and we WERE just JOKING. (2) 

The Spiritual Chakras of The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in The Suburbs era of Little Nemo on H.b.o. S.s.

The ghosts sometimes have an argument with me on what happens when I run out of my pill. Sometimes they pretend I am their hostage. I say burn the Ghost world like the federal government says. (2)






Friday, November 20, 2015

I can barely navigate the internet. This is a help call for a sick film school graduate child-like entity affected with schizophrenia or what have you the disorder, I just call it schizophrenia but it's disabled me from Directing. Please, I long for directing independent films and extra equipment you have please send to:

Christopher Mastronardi
127 W25Th Street
New York, New York

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Wet from the rain I live in this weird limbo between lives. I write to the spirits and the Masons and I search for my cure for schizophrenia. As I search for my way back to the film industry. Sometimes I think I should conclude my ongoing chat-with the -dead and just go back to the film industry and never speak out loud. But something has to come out of Little Nemo on H.b.o. One way or another says my Universalist self.


I can barely stay still in the Apple store. There's this feeling that there's some sort of hand up my ass. I'm running out of my pill, then I can't even move my body. Nobody seems to care, like I'm in an alternate dimension, that I can't RUN my body/even SHOWER without Adderall. What kind of reality am I am at 31, is it fear that I'll over stimulate myself??? (2)  (2)  (2)  (2)  (2)  (2)

Act:2 of the Never Ending Story

After the headaches beyond any pain I ever thought real, where I thought I was drafted by the Fairfield Military at 275 Lakeside Drive, there are hands that feel like cum that make me bite myself and caused me to loose (3) teeth. (2) I'm never making it back to people and am disgusted at this condition, yet I have a B.f.a. so there IS HOPE to return to the real world from the fantasy world (2) of Occupy Wall Street and Theodore Mapes crack. A ghost I think is now like my Al.
Alongside Kitty Genovese and Jean Baptise Basquiet

I promoted today I hope I don't get kicked off Google + or some shit.

Um, the Apple Store fear is looming...

Okay for (1) the Theme Song was No Cars Go for (2) It's Uma Thurman (The Arcade Fire/Fall out Boy Respectively)

I think for (-1) the THEME SONG is the THEME SONG for the POLITICS OF FEAR. IF you're wondering about the Ages of Little Nemo on H.b.o. I am 31 and have schizophrenia which I'm sure a pill can fix. I have decided to come out about this since it ruined my life and is keeping me from the film industry. I just want to return to the film industry. I'm sorry I hid it for so long, movies and portfolio ruined since I was hit my portfolio year. Yes, this sickness can come at random but I'm still stable with Adrenal. (2)  (2)   (2)


Always begging to replace my equipment.

Okay going to be kicked out of Apple Store. I am no longer a man. I just wanted you to know.

Please donate to me to fix this. So Occupy Fashion can thrive.


I don't even know how I exist. I am running out of my pill. (2) (2) I have to keep updating this stupid Chaos Magick religion so my mind acknowledges that I'm 31 from 24. What a horror. I don't understand how I can exist. It's a shame. I write at the Apple Store. I'm the 15 minute kick out person. Please if you can, donate to Occupy Fashion so I can get back to filmmaking.
Donate on paypal to Christophermastronardi@gmail.com


Sometimes it's pointless to write I just put so much (2)    (2)    into my You Tube comments and the creatures are too much. I hurt.

chaos magick

My head spins from. (2)   (2)   adding my Chaos Magick religion together on YouTube.   (2)    (2)  (2)   (2)  

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Please for my story read my past blog at theoccupyfashion.blogspot.com
I can't even type. The hands have me and the soul of Gunnar Ageeholm is involved and my original dimension (2)  father.  This is horrible please somebody cure me. I need help and meds.  (2)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fun - We Are Young Oct 21, 2015 The day we go BACK, BACK to the Future (2)

It's not T.v. It's H.b.o. (2) to you. And what do you know, H.b.o. 2 (2) is the CHANNEL I saw A Clockwork Orange on. And that's the reason I went to film school, because I thought that movie was made in 1997 (2) (2) but alas, it was from the 1970s. And still very well MAY BE MY FAVORITE FILM. I can't imagine ANOTHER film at this point BEING my favorite. Oddly 'Creative Nonfiction' did not become that. 

Fun - We are Young, I live in this trauma of (1) at @31 (2) (2) I type from the Apple Store, I'm that guy with the MILITARY BACKPACK in the Apple Store. Soon I will have no pill to keep me still, the WORST of Nurse Tatcher for 2015 and a BIG BOO-LIKE A LIFE CANCELING one for the-B.r.c. 

I will never make it back to working for Lena Dunham level in life. S.s.d. (2) (2) will (2) (2) come through, that's the kind of thing that doesn't happen (2) in the world of Little Nemo on H.b.o. 
Atleast (2) I have (2) my pill today, to ATTEMPT IN DESPERATION to communicate to me. 
I pray somebody has my pill so I can live.
I swear to God, I'm from ANOTHER DiMENSION (because I never had SUCH problem FINDING something (2) so simple and stupid as my A.d.d. focus medication.) 


I remember this DREAM from (1) where I sleep AFRONT Domino Sugar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and Michael Bloomberg and Chris Wielk appear. 

(2) But this never came to be and I searched for Caitlin Rodriguez all night that night, but never found her. And a voice told me, they CONTINUE onto the next (D)dimension in Silver Tiles, a 'FUNCTION' of Little Nemo on H.b.o. which I also wrote a novel about 
where my friends are like these ASTRAL ROSICRUCIAN SUPERHEROS with a LOU REED WILLIAMSBURG, BROOKLYN EAST-VILLAGE magic thing going on, but on H.b.o. 
Like the kind-of-thing (2) - you'd (2) (2) think Michael Bloomberg would have invented. And with Harvey Weinstein on H.b.o. and you know Howard Stern (2) would be a producer in this world. 

(1) Was a TRAUMA to TRUST and PUT ALL my money in (2). And in the end they turned out the be Ghosts @31/voices of schizophrenia (THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE IN MY WORLD, BOTH CAN BE FIXED BY THE DROP DEAD FRED PILL). But my schizophrenia or whatever (2) (2) you want to call it isn't really all that dangerous, just STUPID to me BECAUSE (I) spent MONEY on it. Really it's only dangerous to me, since I can't remember THE NEXT thing I want to do, and in Screenwriting that PART of my mind is blocked, and I forget (2) the next thing/last thing I did. 
And I have some sort of condition/that SMOKING cigarettes now make me INCREDIBLY TIRED and steal some portion of my intellect. My pill fixes this so I can MANAGE/and then find my way to my DOCTOR to cure. Otherwise I am just crippled without my pill. (2) 
I shake sometimes and feel hands as cum inside myself. I don't literally cum, i feel them as cum. I am incredibly embarrassed and (2) did not mention this for years. But once I told my ex-girlfriend, there was no point in hiding this ANYMORE. And it looks like, Student Loan people/DOCTORS in this dimension don't get along or care, because I will still have to work a job no matter what. 

It's been a good run at the Apple Store, I used to believe I'm hiding from PEOPLE living like this and never QUESTION Little Nemo on H.b.o. (2) but you know -soemtimes-people-don't-act-rational-they-just-think-they're-on-T.v. 

Soon I'll be down to (2) just writing on the Android and I hope I'm @31. I know it's not YOUR fault I became Little Nemo, but you know I had to keep making art even if I can't think and my INTELLECT is blocked by the DISABILITY. (Which it is). And I tried working for Natalie Portman (2) (2) before and I get this WAVE of ANXIETY when I talk to people, I mean atleast on Adderall I can handle, I've been (2) on (2) NasDeq: NEMO (BASQUIET/KEITH HARRING SAVEPOINT) (MIKE BLOOMBERG 2015 SAVE) (OCT ANNA'S BIRTHDAY) (REGINA 2015 (2)) -and you know, I know (2) won't feel okay UNTIL the STORY is on the INTERNET. 

I cal the Manhattan Masons for HELP (2) EVERYDAY and I thank STEVE JOBS for this Apple ERA to write this. I know I'm pathetic and I know I FEEL SHAME everyday that I live. (2) It wasn't always like this, I had my own equipment (7) years ago before I put all my faith in "H.b.o." (2) in 2008. And here I am in 2015 today. Some days the seizure MAKES me say I will make porno like it pushes me to prime thoughts (porno meaning SEX) -but like this EVEN matters for HOW far away I am from people. 

And now I only have to Apple Store (2). 

And this 'Fun' song keeps REPRESENTING it. Like that (2) I DID GRADUATE, I can work in FILM damnit if somebody JUST fixes me. But now I promote my blog, and I put it up on Twitter. Maybe somebody will donate to my paypal 
(christophermastronardi@gmail.com) <-is the E-MAIL ADDRESS if you WANNA donate on paypal.com 

I desperately need your help. (2) Hell I named my own Ghost church with a title of P.m. Nirvana, that's how SERIOUS my world is and It;s (oct 21,.2015 (2)) run by my FATHER from my 'ORIGINAL DIMENSION' but I could never PROOVE this, but it's all true. Or i'm just a schizophrenic, but don't you believe in the mental and ghosts and Indigo Children slipping through THOUGHTS? You know Lou Reed ran into a fire in my world of Little Nemo on H.b.o. and made it.

(2) He always wanted to do that. And Steve Jobs programmed it. 

(2) 2015 Anna's Birthday <- All of that is (2) <- Chaos Magick PROGRAMMING to UPDATE the YEAR for me. It's TEMPLE OV PSYCHIC YOUTH and Little Nemo on H.b.o. (2) SPECIAL which honors the GHOSTS that help me/hacker GHOSTS/THOSE FROM ANOTHER (DIMENSION) on Little Nemo on H.b.o. Manhattan Masons/Rosicrucians/Bill Gates from my Dimension (2) 'Who I always say 'continue to' and 'Microsoft' (2) N.b.c. (2) who helps me PROGRAM and helped in the caitlinrodriguezhusband.blogspot.com blog series (view the profile for the other BLOGS ) (2) in me BEATING Harvey Weinstein (2) . 

"Awkward" (2) Apple Store (logging) (5) (Before H.b.o. Girls (2) Season:5 During "Awkward Season:5 - Twenty - Fifteen - Lightning Symbol of 47 - and the Radiant Child - Jean Baptise Basquiet 2015 - hail S.v.a. ALUMNI": 


These Ghosts (2) graduated with me. But I could never PROOVE IT, and I don't even have the CAMERA EQUIPMENT 
to log the ghosts. But hopefully (2) you'll donate, see it fit to help me to log my Ghosts/Schitzophrenia/make Artwork. I mean fuck, Billy Walsh was Billy Walsh and my ploy (2) to you is I Occupy WallStreet and am a Universalist. 


I guess I'm here, I brought my soul closer towards @31. 

I just fear now I will get my Google+ (2) profile ERASED, but they all (2) should't be LINKED and it SHOULD be (2) something like/I can keep going/and reach my way BACK (2) 2015 (2) towards (Anna's birthday) the film industry. This is like being a COMMODORE 64 Apple. 

I'm going to leave the Apple store before they rip me away from it.
(2) It's NOT FAIR to (2) have a TIME LIMIT when there's so much I WANT TO SAY before my PILL is STOLEN from me. 

Thanks for enjoying my story of this weird 1.5 world (2) (In-between the Two acts of Little Nemo on H.b.o. in 2015 I feel). 


I wanna fuck it up (2) 

(2) Rest in Peace my friend Teddy and WELCOME To my world of 47 Metropolitan Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn where me and the GHOST kids are (2) always FREE to search for my Medication for the Future of Christopher Mastronardi's RELIGION.

(1) At this point I think I am being EMBARRSEED by H.b.o./being FORCED to see my Biological father on Little Nemo on H.b.o. with some sort of chip/U.s. government machine of SATELLITE that tracks me/to keep me OFF/from really BEING myself/using my REAL INTELLECT. So I look like a REGULAR kid (2) that had to go see his father. This is in (1). I walk around SINGING because on H.b.o. with The Arcade Fire (2) I'm supposed to make a band. I am 23, and this year is RUINED by seeing my BIOLOGICAL father on T.v. Maybe I lost CONTACT with my ORIGINAL (D)dimension
But (2) It's voices that made me see this man, and NO VOICE INSIDE of me would ever say go SEE the man who beat my mother. On T.v., they have me see (2) my biological mother, I don't really know why, as though it's re-meeting. At this point I was pretty much done with her, she betrayed me for a man she was going to marry. And had re-married actually, and TRIED TO KILL MY CAT IN THE KENEL TO MOVE TO FLORIDA. I couldn't even focus 2004 (2) because of this (2) and I had to ASSURE my cat MY CHILD/MY ONLY FRIEND/MY ONLY FAMILY was SECURE before I could continue at The School of Visual Arts and date Anna Gripentrog, who's birthday matches the Back to The Future (2) year. (2).

But it's 2015 now. And my faith in ANOTHER dimension UNCOVERED by the ROSICRUCIANS has left me without cash, homeless and at this thing called the B.r.c. as I debate if I should go live on a train or not, as I struggle to throw up my ENTIRE story at the APPLE STORE and FEAR my Google+ Profile will be deleted for promoting.

And all my years of artwork I cannot re-do.

I can only LIVE my high school (reliving) through "Awkward" using the REST of my ADDERALL to stay up, keep up. I had a chance when I had my 2 doctors, my A.d.d. is REALLY BAD and I need IR and XR. Now that the SHELTER fucked me I will never make it back to the film industry, I will never be ABLE to cure SYMPTOMNS only I know how to cure/seem to know WHAT they are. Each DOCTOR reacts (2) in TRAUMA when I tell them the MOST EMBARRASSING symptoms I have ever though TO EXIST TO MAN.

I have though to tell my blog, after on my friend (2) Tim (2) Willis' birthday who was (Genesis: The Angel/Demon from Preacher - Reincarnated in my childhood religion where I am his brother/the Angel/Demon E(x)odus; a RELIGION where Michael Hutchence (2) was KILLED by Bob Geldof and apart of the same mode of INDIGO CHILD As me, an E(x)odds Model alongside Chris Farley and Phil Hartmann (2) who was killed by his wife, there are others but it would require MEDITATING and APPEARS in my mind like Street Fighter 2 map with meditation that would REVEAL them/the country (2) like The Tomorrow People if they HAD that show in 1998 live from Fairfield, Connecticut's Crane Street, where I thought I was angel/demon; until my MOTHER went to jail and I realized I should have been studying how to SMOKE POT properly/to become social with my friend Jeanette Romenello-I later write about this in my novel Fairfield, Connecticut http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?contributorId=318499 ).

I played Tegan and Sara - Closer to this. In my world I speak to the alternate Dimension of "Awkward" IN my ORIGINAL world, where the people aren't actors. It's hard to call what's schizophrenia when I have a RELIGION of Universalism.

(1) I still live in this horror this traumatized HORROR of the PAST and of these days that I can't express QUICK enough on my ANDROID that I keep thinking is Publishing (2) on the Google+ account I fear will be taken away.

I don't even know which blogs would be safe at this point. And it's been years (2) and nobody will give a shit. Maybe joining the Rosicrucians make you Psychic, and (2) I'm (2) sorry for the FUTURE when I write without Adderall and can BARELY right but just try to stay valid. The blog is ALL I have.

If you want to know more back story there is always

<3 "Awkward" My favorite show since 1994's Quantum Leap. Don't you know (2) that ended and sop did Kurt Cobain. And that's a ghost I summon daily with Jobs. (2)

(1) Is hard to EXPLAiN at the APPLe store (2)

Nobody will care after (7) Years of my Schizophrenic story.
If you want a really good description in one of my PRIOR blogs check out

I'm just trying to SAVE-POINT my life before I run out of Adderall. I cannot type when I don't have my pill, can't EVEN THINK LIKE ME, I move slow and REALLY SUFFER in this B.r.c. SHELTER of DEPRESSION and just have to make my way BACK TO MY PILL. I have to find a new PRESCRIBER, a NEW DOCTOR. I have to DITCH this NURSE TATCHER WOMEN, assure that (2) these people are never speaking to me. 
Hell, at this point (2) I have to COUNT the amount of DAYS I did/or didn't sign in for my STUPID fucking bed, in FEAR that I'll be the THROW away of the DAy. And you can come back, nice fuckers (2) (2) to the shelter after they throw away your stuff, (2) but now YOU have no clothes and well, DON'T CHANGE is theIR common CONCEPTION. Most of the people in the place don't shower, I have DONE NOTHING in life to DESERVE living in this sort of place (2) and am THINKING of RETURNING to CouchSurfing. 

Of course, this INVOLVES speaking to people and I fear what my conditions have gotten me to. 
See biting my hand and shaking (2) keeps me from people a bit. And LIVING in shame. 

I have logged my life, in Matt and Kim Albums. Albums, to logg my schizophrenia. (2). An album for sanity, an album I purchased with my friends, that ABOVE my Bed in BROOKLYN I literally ENACT, in FEAR of the voices, not KILLING-MYSELF-BECAUSE (2) of a note I wrote to Caitlin Rodriguez-Who YEARS LATER would be the MUSE to MARRY (even though I didn't think I was talking to people-I still thought I had a WORLD FORTUNE). It was SO HARD to (2) (2) make it through (1) one that SURELY like I was told, I was the richest man in the world, as a result and payment for GRADUATING in the PAIN I did. But I was just in pain, and I don't really have family, and I pushed AWAY my ADOPTED family the Guptas (who I STILL LOVE, AND IF YOU EVER READ THIS I LIVE FOR THE DAY I CAN MAKE YOU PROUD-AND RETURN TO 120 Buck Hill Road. ) And I assured I was on cocaine because I was on T.v. front The School of Visual Arts (my art school) and The Pratt Institute, and I WAS REPRESENTING art school. And It was supposed to be like the Rock and Roll High School, but with my Biological father and on H.b.o. (like my DADDY returns-and it turns out-I love him front my (2) art school-and then I go to live with him-and DIE-like my ART SOUL dies- like my ex-girlfriend from childhood @F.I.T. Christie Cummings (2) (2) and her fate. She had a child most recently, but that's not the point. The point that one of the RANDOM plotlines in Little Nemo on H.b.o. in (1) was I lose my ART SOUL, because my DADDY who I said I'd never see-I saw-and he loved me). And you know, in the WORLD I live in IN-BETWEEN (D)dimensions I almost died at Palmetto Road, almost got ERASED, because I put on a show with SOMEBODY (2) from the government, in Little Nemo on H.b.o. which is where all my creative Adderall ideas come from, and all the stories of the PREVIOUS blogs.

And it all just comes down to (2) when I want to face the next even, Panhandling, or to GET my memory fixed, if I get tricked INTO-in-patient, and I have NO IDEA how long that takes, so I can get to the next level. BECAUSE I CONSIDER (2) my life in LEVELS and will call this LITTLE NEMO ON H.b.o. no matter what. 

(2) even if I get tricked off my pill. 

Even though the whole point is my ex-girlfriend Anna Gripentrog called them Candy. 

Fun-We are Young@31 I face my School of Visual Arts 2008(2) GRADUATION condition of Little Nemo on H.b.o. and the DAMAGE the CONDITION of trusting the GHOSTS in (1) has left me.

Save point of Anxiety at Apple Store. 

Please DONATE so I can make films again. 

Metallica - One [This is Little Nemo on Home Box Office Season 5; Like the Same Season level as in H.b.o. Girls. When in Season6; No Doubt - Twenty, Sixteen; they will PREMIER SEASON;5 in H.b.o. It will be February. A month that was James Hughes BIRTHDAY (2). This person has been a muse in my world.

Yeah that James Hughes has been a muse in my world. 
Off forecastmazy.livejournal.com Somebody who was ONTO THEIR WAY of the next big hit 
(I still shiver at the Apple Store of being kicked out at this point). Somebody-who had an OPEN RELATIONSHIP GIRLFRIEND and was PRIMARILY (2) a PRODUCER. Somebody that would SIGN up for THEIR ART SCHOOL READING their thoughts. 
Somebody that could go to Nyu Stern/Tisch if their art school pissed them off and upset them SAYING THEY WERE ON ACID (2). Somebody who could bring Michael Bloomberg and Harvey Weinstein to that world and arena. Somebody that wouldn't question it, because the MORE TIME they waited to ask the PEOPLE who were DOCUMENTING them if they were DOCUMENTING them the MORE FOOTAGE there would be on THEM. They more famous they would be for the chip. 

I had a PREQUEL to schizophrenia in 2006 (2) where I thought my friends were in my room and punched me and put a chip in me. BUT IN ANOTHER DIMENSION THEY DID PUT A CHIP IN ME. (But that's all if you BELIEVE in Dimensions and care. Everybody needs a religion, some people think Christ is real and so is Sunday. I know it means Gwen Stefani (2)). 

I have NARCOLEPSY and sometimes I have REALLY VIVID DREAMS. IT got worse in my 20s, but Adderall cures it. Before I found the (2) pill I couldn't even get up, NEVER THOUGHT THE WORD 'FOCUS'-WAS REAL. AS in, I never FOCUSED on ANYTHING. And I'm a filmmaker. 
(2) So I never understood the cinematographers intentions. Could never relate to what my father was saying. My mother is a pure A.d.H.d. case, I'm (2) not sure if (2) she ever really reads, she seems not REALLY there, much like I felt before I found my pill. I never knew PEOPLE COULD READ, I thought EVERYONE just (2) (2) gave up. Like EVERYBODY decided to be rebellious because they COULD NOT get good GRADES in school (2). In High School I was WAITING to take pills, I smoked pot but 'Stood against them' because I knew I'd become ADDICTED, and was WAITING for the RIGHT YEAR. I always wanted to be vegetarian and (2) take pills. And so I found my way to being able to READ for the first time in my life out of my 4 year girlfriend Anna Gripentrog.
I will (2) never be able to tell you this story again. (2). 
And I really want to continue to the next level of Little Nemo on H.b.o. Even if I have this condition of biting my hand, it goes away when I stay away, which my medication helped with (AND STILL DOES) and I only feel SMOTHERED by SLEEP. My equipment is 7 Years gone, and my story is still in TRUAMA. I don't UNDERSTAND why I am being put to SLEEP, as the (INSTINCT) of the people at A SHELTER (it is not their job to give me MEDICATION, nor to TALK TO ME, nor to care WHEN I AM AWAKE.) There is nothing I hate more than sleep, and I have wasted HOURS sleeping in Little Nemo on H.b.o. 
If it wasn't for little anna the Ghost in (5: Season 5) my world, I'd never have a chance or be happy. 
At times I have things, not voices, but things that talk to me and attempt to trap me in a word trap. 
I swear to God, I don't understand why this FATE has happened to ME. If I had housing by now, I wouldn't have a problem. There's (2) an ENTITY that tries to RESTORE me to my MOTHER/FEMMINIST beliefs and viewpoints, and has CANCELED out my BIOLOGICAL FATHER in the (living) dimension and world of Palmetto Road in Bridgeport (2), C.t. from being a place I can go to, to get ERASED. In another DIMENSION they could LOCK (2) YOU AWAY FOR SAYING THIS. But you don't KNOW if the shit I'm saying is CREATIVE, I have the CHARACTER :MIKE. Before I had Kade (2). And it's a long whiles before I ever get to being CHRISTOPHER MASTRONARDI (2) (2) in Little Nemo on H.b.o. 

I Wish I didn't let this fucking kid steal my Laptop all these years ago. I'm amazing I don't PANHANDLE for the fucking $. I've given (2) up a long time ago of being apart of NORMAL people, I mean I bite my hand and I can't say if anybody I knew from S.v.a. (7) (2) would SEE ME PANHANDLE or if it'd even matter anymore. Or if that'd even stop you from HIRING me in film. I need a job (2) in film, and REALLY this DIDN'T MATTER before (2) I don't know why It'd matter now. (2) there is a little mentality in my world where I'm supposed to be scared. (2). Like a DOCTOR could see me, but REALLY that doesn't make any SENSE or DIFFERENT (2) they serve Homeless people at the Metropolitan Hospital. (2) I'm scared to see my old doctor, because she HATES IT when these B.r.c. people call her, and I'm SURE (2) would have dumped (2) me (2). 
The Two's really add me to the current year. This is apart of my Chaos Magick/Universalist RELIGION. THE ART REALLY AFFECTS ME. I don't need to CONVINCE you of this nor would I want to. I sort of have to do this, and spent so much time on the street TOUCHING certain points of Manhattan on certain levels of Adderall for magic, I don't know why I'd stop now. (This is not my Schizophrenia but my belief in MAGIC, as I am a UNIVERSALIST) 

Doesn't this seem like the NEXT reality show on H.b.o. (?)(

Think back (2) to when (2) the Soprano's were just ENDING, before the WORLD was magic, and George W. Bush was the PRESIDENT DESPITE LOSING TWICE (2). In a world before Jon Stewart woke people up and shook his little (2) Jewish nose to make people care enough to SOMEHOW make Barak Obamaa my DREAM PRESIDENT the PRESIDENT (2) and AGAIN make my DREAM-DREAM president a CLINTON now the FRONT-RUNNER for (2) the White House. I'm scared (2) to even say (Nov (2) 2015) the WRONG thing and that they'll fuck it up in like magic or something, and end up with Brooklyn's BERNIE SANDERS. 
Gay's are FREE, and the BLACK MAN has won. Racism is over... 

I flash back to (7) Years ago. (2) I voted for Obama and the Republican party- in MY world, took away my MEDICATION. In Little Nemo on H.b.o. They run the show. And I'm a Democrat (well I made it back to the DEMOCRATIC PARTY which is the ONLY PARTY I KNOW ABOUT-AS THE SPIRIT OF WOMEN DEMANDS I NEVER BECOME REPUBLICAN.) (2) I talk to George W. Bush from ANOTHER DIMENSION in my world. (2). Remember- In my world the world sort of ended in 2008. (7) Years ago. 

Dear God...don't let them kick me out of the Apple Store. 
I have to blog, my way, back to the Film Industry, these days on the train OCCUPYING and such have to come out to be SOMETHING. GHOSTS-INVENTED-THROUGH ADJUSTERS (2) WITH JACK KEROUAC and the ORIGINAL Harvey Weinstein brought me w/Bob Weinstein this Occupy Wall Street. I found it, in the month (2) that (2) I found Adderall, I found a home for my Little Nemo on H.b.o. way of life. IF the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT didn't INVENT me this thing, I would have no way to SURVIVE as an ENTITY/ARTIST(2). I went there for Adderall and found Adderall, and my father's Eastern Bag Truck. I yelled "Fuck Bloomberg" (2) in L Magazine on Nov15,2011. I remember, remember the 15Th of November. 23,000 (2) (2). I was yelling at a Producer of Little Nemo on H.b.o. and Oppressor of my mind who ATTACKED me in MAGIC ON-my PILL During (It's 5) 

47(2) 11211(2). 
A.d.d. (2) B.r.c. (2). Sorry just doing a little red,red, wine Commodore 64 Mind updating. I can't be more COMPLEX at this point that a COMMODORE 64. 

I had a whole journey with this man, who I still hold as a HERO of EFFORT,despite there being no way in cinema ETHIC i can EXPRESS this to Michael Bloomberg. Even though the STUDENT LOANS, I lived off of were from the Democratic PARTY. Because, it was him who PROVIDED my School of Visual Arts experience. 

Save Point 


I swear to God I once saw a guy from Architecture in Helsinki under the Mason lodge where the N.j. Transit meets 23Rd street in 2008 when I started my (7) Year journey after (1). Camping out and all. And in my kind of world and show you can summon the Masons of Manhattan and THEY ARE REQUIRED RUN MY WORLD IT CANNOT-RUN WITHOUT THEM. LITERALLY. 

Save point. 

Oct21 Bag. Train. Pill. Chat. Apartment. (2) (2) 

2012- Thedore Mapes (2) My roommate who's now a Ghost I talk to in Little Nemo on H.b.o.

Theodore Mapes is a Ghost I now talk to who's cold hand signaled the end of my time at the West Park Church. I have a little Adderall in me now, so I can attempt to express to you MY ENTIRE LIFE.

I used to spend a lot of time in Williamsburg, Brooklyn drawing thinking that I was on an art marathon and my career rotted. But I thought I was being loyal to the Mayor of New York, and in another world THIS IS TRUE, in ANOTHER DIMENSION. Like Stephen Hawkings type of shit. The entities I now call Ghosts in EARLIER Blogs of Little Nemo on H.b.o. I logged as entities/people I have names for like Harvey Weinstein, who I thought talked to me via a chip I got in Hell's Kitchen in 725 9th Avenue (2) Apt 3D New York, New York 10019
(2) Two is my linking in Chaos Magick my mind from the trauma of GRADUATING and BEING in SCHIZOPHRENIA and thinking I'm on T.v. and spending all of my money.
I'm just trying to reflect on 7 Years Ago.
It's a little kid kind of thing but in MY WORLD it's like Series-7 of my CREATIVITY. Sometimes I think in the night BARING GIFTS came another U.s. Government from another (D)dimension.
That I was to ENTER with















Like I'm supposed to make my way BACK to my STATUS when I joined the Rosicrucians in Equipment. And I'm in a  PANIC to write this ALL in the APPLE STORe. BECAUSE YOU wouldn't care about my Schizophrenia from years ago. Only nowadays does it really matter.
And some of my writing just Doesn't make sense.
It's just in making (2) this artwork- I shit myself, and MOST OF THE TIME OFF MY PILL I just can't write or FOCUS BEYOND the HANDS condition. This is something they don't discuss at the Shelter place I'm at (and if you're some famous Lena Dunham fellow or something who can HELP me - I know I go for my FAVORITE director first - but PLEASE somebody in the Ny, ny area that can job me in film/even INTERN me you will SAVE my life) -H.b.o.(2) <- that's all in Chaos Magic.
So I have what's left of (2) my script before it runs out, and this woman from B.r.c. has GOTTEN ALL up in my DOCTOR with 'I prescribe Chris Abilify and it's a BIG deal and whatever', this MEDICATION I don't really take and it does nothing, but make me sick. And now I can't even write, to describe to you MY CONDITIONS and my only chance is on my pill with what's left
(2) in the Apple Store. The second these people kick me out,-I am torn from my ONLY CHANCE to practice my CHAOS MAGICK religion and MAKE SOME INTERNET SAVE POINT for the NEXT TIME I GET a SCRIPT. These Brc people, I talk to-they DON'tCARE THAT STUDENT LOAN PEOPLE are coming for me- and I need a job. They don't care without my pill I SLEEP 20 HOURS A DAY-they don't care I'm 31 and APART OF THE FILM INDUSTRY with a B.F.A. FOR A MANHATTAN ART SCHOOL. My, my these fuckers DON'T get that THEY'RE ONLY THERE FOR SECTION (8) HOUSING and that I'm not APART OF THEM. When
(I write this PRAYING the Apple Store employee does not RIP me away from the computer)
I tell these people I have ANOTHER DOCTOR I'll feel better. (Unless Nurse Thatcher tries to get me sent away saying what I say to my REAL DOCTOR, well, makes her want to see, if I'm okay, even though she's been fired as my doctor-they can see if bum-bum is okay at baby shelter, and for any reason, because they love having the body filled in the shelter and have it say 'hospital').
Hospitals don't actually cure me, OUT-PATIENT DOES because I work EXCLUSIVELY with ONE DOCTOR and wait for him to GIVE me the real pill.
I do not like the way these people talk to me or that they DID this to me before for telling their STAFF to fuck off (lock me in a hospital for a week.) -It's a place where you get tofu, but you're locked up and it's scary if they don't give you a date-and they DIDN'T GIVE me my pill. I don't understand what is confusing that the first thing I would tell you if you're a doctor is I've been PRESCRIBED to Adderall for a DECADE. This only helps ALL my symptoms and I've read of many with A.d.H.d. and schizophrenia on the internet who take ADDERALL in ADDITION to another medication.
I'm just trying to get the other medication down.
Like, in ANOTHER dimension, this was not a big deal, this very simple A.d.H.d. medication.
I feel like I'm in another dimension.

I swear to God, sometimes it sounds Crazy right? But in my personal Universalist RELIGION I am from another Dimension, in my personal beliefs, sometime between 2006-2008 I ended up in ANOTHER DIMENSION.
H.b.o. (2) And you know in ANOTHER DIMENSION I probably was on H.b.o. and pre-documented in 2006 (2). And H.b.o. probably did read

In another (2) DIMENSION I wouldn't have to worry if my Google+ Profile is going to get ERASED.

I can't retype-what I type. And I've hit a sort of top level in my world, as I add the years together.
In this Dimension I'm schizophrenic and lost my girlfriend (7) years ago.
In ANOTHER DIMENSION I PULLED OFF my Thesis year, and went to Sundance with my Cinematographer Sean Connell.

Now he's gone about (7) years. Taken from my schizophrenic belief that I was on H.b.o. and made artwork all day. -My schizophrenia is not something that's REALLY harmful or scary, just sort-of sad. Not the kind of thing you can-lock someone up for. But I'd still like to tell you my story.

Although I fear I will be kicked out of the Apple Store in a moment.
This is the most FRIGHTENING world to live in. I cannot tell these stories on my Android. Hell, I even think I'm singing onto (2) my wrong Google+ Profile that got threatened for PROMOTING.
I just wanted people to know I exist.
If I'm going back to the FILM INDUSTRY-let me WRITE me story on the INTERNET.
I'll take my Ghost Friend Theodore Mapes and Kitty Genovese.
Let Basquiet and Ketih Harring (of The School of Visual Arts (2)) Guide me back.
I am SO AFRAID of being kicked out right now, or that I'll press the WRONG FUCKING BUTTON and not get this post up. I've done this before, and I cannot re-write this (7) year old story.
Some days off my MEDICATION I can't even shower, hell I can't even feel or WAKE UP or live off my medication. I've crash landed in this hell of the dead, the B.r.c. on 25Th street, this AWFUL place of people who keep LOOKING at me and these black people that watch Law & Order all day. I talk to, sort of pray to my Biological father from my ORIGINAL (D)dimension in the shelter and state I'm in. In my CREATIVE WORLD he runs my Church of Ghosts, The School of Visual Arts Church of Silver Tiles. He's well endowed in Solomon Talismans that started my WEIRD DIMENSIONAL journey. Since 2006 (2). Since the inception in the skyline of Manhattan of the idea of Little Nemo.
Of Modern Day Magic, like The Craft, but REAL. The magic TOOK me in my BELIEFS. With a ghost that was following me from The George Washington Hotel. Masons' from another DIMENSION from a DREAM where the MANHATTAN MASONS also WORK S.v.a. SECURITY took me, and chipped me with Amorc.com (The Rosicrucians). And in my WORLD my father has tattoos (the greatest power of permanent symbol in my world) and KNOWS HOW TO RUN THIS WORLD.
He's a Ghost, invisible and the last person-that I ever would have summoned. But has known what to do with a thing where,another (d)dimension thinks I will die like "Hero of the Day" and a Universe Inside me will crawl out.
In my Universalist timeline, I was taken off my DESTINED PATHWAY and these MASONS have signed me up for this WEIRD (2) job and placement/IN THE WORLD(2) of replacing some sort of EGO-WIZARD-GURU-DICK-GUY(2) from another Dimension where the world is HIGHLY advanced and (D)dimensions aren't a big deal and PEOPLE watch T.v. through Crystal balls. But people are T.v. and T.v. is always REAL.

And somehow I have to figure out the REALity of our (D)dimension, maybe that there's (3) chips. I don't know. (2) This is a big (2) symbol of FAITH in my WORLD. I labeled everything forever P.m. Nirvana. So he will be well, if he dies, in my AFTERLIFE of Little Nemo on H.b.o. to rule, which he sort of did in the first place, since I was afraid to EVER SEE him ever again, VOWED not to, in my Chris Mastronardi (2) lifetime, because he was a MEAN father who BEAT my MOTHER and always  seemed REALLY OUT of it. But (2) I think they SIGNED him up for this as well, and took his INTELLECT. (2) So now he exists (2) off my School of Visual arts 2008 Degree. And we always have the movie (7) Series-7 and a S.v.a. Alumni Directed that and an EPISODE of True Blood Daniel Minahan, and well the more links I can get the better.



Please Don't delete my blogs Google+ (2) THURSDAY NIGHT (2)

This is all I can hope for I don't know if these two things are connected but this is really all I have left of my artwork. I have some of my meds in me so the hands are a bit under control. I have this condition that Adderall helps with, where I feel other people's hands as cum and see them as sort of droopy and sometimes feel them as warm, and soupy like being 4 and having chicken-pocks. This symptom (2) just appeared one day. I can't spot exactly when but I think 2010/2011, before that I had HEADACHES like I've never felt before, that felt like my mind was being ATTACKED from the INSIDES rabid RAZORS ATTACKING ME, throbbing like something for the Maxx but realistic and modern and apart of modern psychiatry. The voices APPEARED one day in 2007, if you think Schizophrenia is something that you can't get like the Flu, you're wrong. It can be cured like the Flu but a doctor has to give you the right pill, and you have to tell a doctor, (I've done my Google research). I had this for 7 Years that I had symptoms similar to schizophrenia, or something added to me A.d.d.
I thought about 7 Years ago I was on T.v. which was a symptom when I started to come down with schizophrenia. There is nothing I consider WORSE or MORE EMBARRASSING, I have never mocked more of ONE group of people than the schizophrenic people. I used to have a friend as a child that got SENT to INSTITUTIONS and I would never pick up the phone for him when he called me from the institutions. THIS HIT ME my thesis year of the School of Visual Arts. MY INTELLECT JAMMED from writing screenplays, and I distracted from voices. I had a NARCOLEPTIC LIKE REAL dream that I was implanted with a chip.  These were things I thought were TRUE, for me THIS JUST SOUNDS like the kind of show Christopher Mastronardi would sign up for (a chip in my head reading my thoughts, soundwaves and voices in GRADUATING from the HELL'S KITCHEN thesis, on H.b.o. 24/7 LIVE from 725 9Th Avenue Apt 3D New York, NY 10019 (2) ) Hell I even PURCHASEd Little Nemo in 3d (2). I didn't know Schizophrenia would APPEAR, and that all I would have left to CREATE in my ARTWORK (7) Years later was a blog about Schizophrenia and how my A.d.H.d. (2) SYMPTOMS would expand to WHAT I call schizophrenia. There is nothing more SHAMEFUL than these symptoms.
For my Thesis year I had ATLEAsT (3) Features planned, one in addition to PROMOTE for my friend Sean Connell, and our first visit to Sundance. I DID NOT think (7) years after my Thesis Year I would STILL HAVE not TAKEN my FIRST AIRPLANE RIDE. That I'd be this OCCUPY WALL STREET thing or that ANYTHING let alone SHELTER PEOPLE COULD take my away from my medication. I didn't know a SHELTER could send you away for having a rash (or ask you go to THE HOSPITAL) and that in conferring with my real CURRENT Psych, might come an in-patient VISIT in the FUTURE despite having an OUT-PATIENT psych if my PSYCH violates our CONFIDENTIALITY and the local B.r.c. Nurse Practicer becomes CURIOUS. (Such a thing-as this women-is her GOAL-since I've arrived her is I don't upset people in the night at 1AM at the nigger shelter because when I got here after losing my Bron(x) (2) APARTMENT after an H.b.o. Girls Season (3) Photo Shoot for Facebook.com/chrismastronardi.5 I upset somebody at the Shelter, got Punched at 1A.m. bit my hand and the worker at the shelter SET ME UP when I told her to FUCK OFF' and called the ambulance SAYING I was 'being volatile' - like as in I was LIFTING CHAIRS AND PUNCHING PEOPLE - That is manic. Not being away. I Was also on my medication, so B.r.c. Nurse no, like, medication. But Ability that makes me feel (D)epressed is okay, and NO, I may not mention it TO THIS WOMAN. I may not be CURED for sleeping 20 HOURS a day and have led to no conclusion for her to DIAGNOSE me anything than what I've had for a DECADE A.d.H.d. I will not talk to this woman about my condition of seeing hands as juicy or feeling cum in hands. With these people anything could mean another journey to the fucking hospital and a wasted week. ('Which is -CUSTOMARY-THEY-TELL-ME-AT this place to see if I'm okay.) I have no interest in SPEAKING to this person who claimed when they found my Medication, (my Adderall, the ONLY THING that cures me for a DECADE of ANY SYMPTOMS include my self-diagnosed 'schizophrenia' symptoms; INCLUDING being on a T.v. show)-that I was seeing 3 DOCTORS and COUNTED HERSELF as a Psychiatrist, when this nurse YOU HAVE TO SEE to get Section (8). (2). So no, I don't think I will be sharing with this bitch nor apart of this shitty shelter in Manhattan n for much  longer (down the street from the Mason lodge no less). I can't imagine a worse place to live, I was better YEARS ago before Occupy Wall Street when I slept on a train (thinking I was doing 24/7 artwork off my meds-by hand on Newspapers-thinking I was hitting some sort of landmark-and that Michael Bloomberg had people from his office-in BLACK TURTLE NECKS-picking up the ARTWORK I left-in order for it to be SOLD to the Republican party. This is back when I thought I was being a GOOD REPUBLICAN and making ARTWORK off my ADDERALL for the REPUBLiCAN PARTY. But off my ADDERALL I cannot formulate thoughts on REALITY. And so therefore, this was a bad idea when Schizophrenia first hit. Had I stood on my pill, I would have realized at the end of what I call (1) or my School of Visual Arts Cocaine Year Thesis of 2008, that I was probably CRAZY and talking to NO ONE, and admitted it in some time and GOT BACK to my DOCTOR to get cured. Probably as soon as I was willing to FACE IT to my ex girlfriend Anna).

At times I think of just going back to the train, or WHATEVER. I can't stand looking at these people's faces who stole my medication and the nigger dead of the shelter. All of which have NO INTEREST in getting a job. I am MISSING TEETH from my CONDITION and CANNOT get a job like this. Let's be honest, I'm stuck at ugly limbo. But I'm rather pissed about it, because I thought the dentist was a one day trip. Not a journey to FIX EVERYTHING in root canals and RECONSTRUCTIVE crown work BUT THE TWO FRONT TEETH (I)(2) need to get a job.

This is sort of Era (2), the 2Nd Act of Little Nemo on H.b.o. Where I come to and face MY OPTIONS and what's left of BELIEVING I'm on T.v. and what's in THIS FILTERED in to my Universalism.

It's not that you would care, I label it Schizophrenia. But for a Second, on what I require, IR and XR with my two DOCTORS (I could read again, I could Twitter, I was fixing this PAUSED EYE condition by watching Sex and the City and well on my way back to work). These people at the B.r.c. have STALLED my entire life, my REAL and PERSONAL LIFE. And you know, what my doctor that is dealing with my CONDITIONS he cannot fix the problems right away and over night.
I worry that one day this woman, this Nurse Thatcher will try to pry my conditions out of my DOCTOR and try to in-patient me to see if I'm safe for HOUSING. It's not that I'm un-safe, I'm a New York Intellectual and know when I'm OUT-OF-MY-MEANS and need Psychiatric help. I'm 31 and look forward to a CURE better than Seriquil which I think will make my phone go away. I'm getting Provovigil soon to try and balance this. This fucking MEDICATION might make it so I have to go to sleep at 9:30, because where I live in nigger shelter that's when they give you NIGHTTIME medication. It violates nigger shelter to not give MEDICATION, it violates nigger shelter to not see their NURSE THATCHER (unless you have your own doctor- then we'll see if she tries to talk to this doctor and pry info), it VIOLATES nigger shelter to not sign in for your bed nightly, it violates nigger shelter to be gone for more than (3) days(2)-the result is they THROW OUT ALL OF YOUR POSSESSIONS. PEOPLE TALK TO THEMSELVES ALL DAY AND STAND NAKED in nigger shelter, but it violates nigger shelter to tell them to stop. It violates nigger shelter, to DEMAND people stop smoking their k2 in the bathroom (or whatever that plastic smell is, I SWEAR TO GOD ONE GUY JUST SMOKES PLASTIC), you cannot tell people in nigger shelter to stop mumbling. You cannot tell people in nigger shelter, to tell the woman or man who hasn't showered in months to shower (so much to the point that you can smell the piss, cigarettes and shit across the room, to the point that you wonder what kind of LIVING dead live here), the man who touches beads all day will be mad at you and NEVER SHOWER after meditating all day with his weird Vedic beads, but will always use a tissue in TOUCHING anything. In nigger shelter, you cannot organize your clothes and everything MUST be stuffed into your locker. In nigger shelter, it is odd and untimely to change your clothes and shower. In nigger shelter, you are NEVER allowed to have your own medication. THEY WILL LOCKER SEARCH for this. In nigger shelter, they want you to be safe. This is NIGGER SHELTER towards Section 8.

Save point.


Getting Kicked out of the Apple Store (It's not T.v. It's H.b.o. 2015 for Christopher Mastronardi)

You DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS LIKE (2) It's awful. To be doing something and be KICKED OUT OF THE APPLE STORE. With a limited time-frame for my MIND because I live in this BABY shelter that stole my MEDICATION WOAH! Psychiatrist. Oh GOD they just CAME. It was like a GUNSHOT at the BACK of my HEAD there's no point in EVEN WRITING at this point, and it just PLAIN old hurts to let these people kick me out.



I was once a man. And I had my OWN laptop, my own Manhattan APARTMENT and hadn't yet MOVED to BROOKLYN (would even HESITATE to VISIT Sean Connell in Queens). Now I am the Little Nemo thing. I write in the Apple Store with a military backpack like the other PIERCED OCCUPIER PEOPLE of the East Village. Sometimes I even walk by 104/106 Where (2) we lived a decade ago. I'm updating my mind in my ART religion with these little (2)'s. I'm doing stuff I can only do on an Apple. I cannot do this in 15 minutes, I cannot EVEN REALLY consider myself a man. I don't even know HOW I get the blog postings up here. I only have one CHANCE to write it. I have to go now, IN THE SHANE of the OCCUPY WALL STREET Universalist Kid, who uses the Apple Store to BLOG and CAST MAGIC. It's like being lost in the Lawnmower Man (2). Sometimes I feel like my SCHOOL killed me in (1) and that was Battle Royal (1) and now I live on the run in (2). From WHATEVER kicks me off the INTERNET or ENDS my story. I spent TOO LONG away drawing in Little Nemo on H.b.o. I can't explain, it takes more than the last 10 minute spree before the GUY comes back around and kicks me out. I miss my laptop and pray SOMEBODY helps me and DONATES so I get this shit. If I argue, I end my ability to use AN APPLE! (!) AN APPLE for FUCKS SAKE! (.) This is how my DISEASE DESTROYED me, that CURRENTLY I couldn't AFFORD $1,900 RENT. CHEAPEST RENT MANHATTAN EVER (!). I HAVE A BACHELOR IN FINE ARTS for FUCKS SAKE.

And I'll walk into something distracting me as I summon Manhattan Masons, Steve Jobs and Theodore Mapes from Occupy Wallstreet for help.

It's the year that your birthday matches Back To the Future day.

I am 31.

Comments on YouTube (2) HAUNTED (2015) (2)

I don't know where my COMMENTS go. And I'm COMMENTING all the time on YouTube. I mean I really told ALOT of my Life Story on YouTube and some of it can ONLY be told on YouTube. Although if it's REALLY IMPORTANT I'll bring it Back over here to the blog.
I try to create something that's like theoccupyfashion.blogspot.com
I could not create that again. I am running out of my medication.

I ALMOST LOST THIS ONE with a SLIP of the Apple Mouse. At any MOMENT the Apple Store Employees will kick me out. (2) And my only hope is my mother buys me an APPLE unless I want to Panhandle. Everyday I debate this, but think (2) I'm going to get S.s.d. or SOMETHING by staying still. My world works in levels I swear to God. And the hands that feel like cum that LEAD me to BITING my own hands usually RULE my writing. There's some awful smell, and no DOCTOR REALLY KNOWs what it is.

There are things that WANT to stop me from Writing. (2). They don't have log and talk to me like Fozzy, where usually I talk to very NICE ghosts. These things are MEANT to be IGNORED by God. I think in a moment where I spinned in a circle but was in pain, one of them sent me an Emojii that said it 'Loved me' not because it UNDERSTOOD that this is my last chance to tell the world that I'm ill and I miss my ex-g.f. gone for 7 Years, but because I spun in a circle. This is an image on my eye, you can call this Schizophrenia I see a doctor to fix this and for a long period of time I didn't want to admit this. But these CONDITIONs KEEP me from working and have led me to be missing TWO TEETH and AWAIT THIS to be fixed, in what's like ANOTHER DIMENSION of (d)dental care, WHERE I REMEMBER a WORLD you go to the EMERGENCY room and the OPERATE IMMEDIATELY to FIX YOUR TOOTH because, Nobody can work in SOCIETY WITHOUT TEETH. But in this weird world beyond my School of Visual Arts Atena Chickering Insurance, here at Health First I WILL BE AWIATING 'DENTURES', LiTERALLY instead of just IMPLANTS like anything NORMAL, my most LIKELY FUTURE is DENTURES and THEN working a job to replace the missing teeth with IMPLANTS. Even though my dentist says the INSURANCE COMPANY SAYS they will SAVE MY FRONT TEETH, I highly doubt this and SEE A FUTURE TRICK coming in. It's just the most likely POSSIBILITY for me. And instead of JUST REPLACING THE TEETH, we will be doing ROOT CANALS and STRENGTHENING teeth that WERE FINE before the DENTIST even TOUCHED IT. Instead of TWO TEETH SIMPLE REPLACEMENT, there will be TEETH that must be pulled because "they will not last". I will be some sort of ROBOTiTIC SHIT MAN THROUGHOUT MY 30s AS I FIND CASH TO FIX THIS. I WILL FIX THIS BEFORE I PAY BACK A SINGLE LOAN. IF I have to take out my PIERCINGS WHATEVER (Not that that even affects in all LOGICALITY) getting a job. I just mean WHATEVER, just give me TEEETH and I will wait to fuck.

I live in SHAME until the day my TEETH come in. Once a WEEK at the DENTIST. Sometimes, mass BREAKS, I would have STARTED THIS years ago when I was in cigarette smoking fetish training in the Bronx (for future fetish fucking) if I knew it would be like this. Let me save this BEFORE SOMETHING GOES WRONG AT THE APPLE STORE


It appears I have no written in this journal for 4 years. (Oct 21, 2015 is my Ex-girlfriends 30Th birthday. Now I'm in my FUCKING 30s. Fuck all 31.) March 23, 1984 is my birthday if you want to wish me happy birthday at some point. A 3/Rat/Aries is SUPPOSED to be a "PERFECT" Birthday for the CREATIVE ARTS.

I don't really understand at this point if my blogs are somehow linked to my original profile that I want to save or what? I think it's the fucking government or something. I Occupy Wall Street since Oct 2011 where I met Theodore Mapes. It's the same month I found Adderall from Anna Gripentrog in 2004, the medication that would save my life.
At this point it's Nov 2015, I'm trying to save my artwork and my life. (2) It's a quick run of a save point to save everything, and I need a profile that's not linked to my prior profile's and things. I don't understand how it became like this or if they say I'm promoting or something and link profiles I won't have forecastmazy.blogspot.com
(2) It will (2) just seep into nothingness like my film equipment.
I'm shitting myself that they're going to kick me out of the Apple Store. I think for acknowledging the StuPiDest creatures in my world I'm going to need something as safe as forecastmazy.diaryland.com

something as safe as

I don't understand how SAViNG my artwork got to this point. The government keeps everything the same for me, Get's me my PILL from MY DIMENSION and leaves me alone so I can make my way back to DIRECTING. MAYBE I HAVE TO DIRECT in order to SURVIVE. MAYBE I HAVE TO PANHANDLE TO GET A CAMERA AGAIN. (Facing the N.y.p.d. - and finding out if THEY ARREST for PANHANDLING unlike in Michael Bloomberg's era).

In my world there was hell, even almost an alternate mayor to Bill Deblasio. Which is a Democrat, and I'm back to this Party, and I couldn't even get off being apart of the other political party anyway, since the SPIRIT OF WOMEN said No and ended my Dimension @
725 9Th aVenue Apt. 3D
New York, New York

635 Bushwick APt 2D
Brooklyn, NY

This is REAL stuff to ME and it's so RIDICULOUS I just tell the STUDENT LOAN PEOPLE I live at 8 BERRYLANE CT. Like in my NOVEL because there's no point, I can't work right now.

I pray to God somebody, please IF you read this be kind and DONATE to me so I can replace my film EQUIPMENT from (7) Years ago so I don't have to live in fear of BEING KICKED OUT OF THE APPLE STORE (or ever have to see such a thing that makes me sick-the Library).

Occupy Wall Street.

Welcome Theodore Mapes the Ghost (3) years later to my world of Little NEmo on H.b.o.
Maybe I never Welcomed you Properly, the Queen is Kitty Genovese and I'm always calling for help.
And Currently, hiding at the B.r.c. avoiding - Panhandling , not believing /buying into Their LIE that I will get Section8 - housing.

-Little Nemo
(Sponge - Wax Ecstatic)